Monday, December 6, 2010


In the movie, one boy hears of a boy, name Ray Bower that died and where his body was located. The four boys had been hearing about Ray's missing body after he went to go look for blueberrys one afternoon, and had not been seen since. The boys being curious go out and follow the train tracks to look for him. On the boys journey to look for Ray they come across many barriers. From getting in fights about Teddy's dad being a drunk with the man from the junk yard. To Chris thinking he is a no life no body who will go no where.
The point of view from the book to the story is the same. The movie is told by Gordie which was also done in the book. At the beginning of both the book and the movie Gordie is an older man, and tells the story through a flash back. Through his flash back that he writes his story about he teaches the reader and viewer many lessons. Gordie tells the story in 1st person, as he remembers the life long friendships he had with the three boys. But in the movie we see everyones emotions and reactiones not just what Gordie saw and interperted.

From the book to the movie the way the characters are described are very similar to each other. There are however some differences. From who pulled the gun, to only one of Teddys ears being burnt. There are still four boys, Gordie, Teddy, Vern, and Chris. The four boys still mainly have the same lives as they did in the book. There are only a few slight changes from the book to the movie.

The setting of the film was the same as the book. All the details were almost exact in full. When I read the story that is for the most part how I was picturing everything that was taking place. There was still the boys "hang out", the junk yard, where Vern found out about Ray, and where they found Ray's body. Where most of the film takes place is on the Train tracks. The boys walk along the tracks doging trains and singing their favorite tunes together. Along the side of the tracks is where they find the remains of Ray Bowers body.

Honesty, loyalty, and courage, in the story through everything that the boys went through thats what they found through their adventure. Gordie through the whole story is a writer. In what he writes he always has an important moral. In the food eating contest one he showed that the boy who was throwing up, because he made himself have the courage to go up in front of all those people. in the story that his flash back is based upon those three things are the main focus of what he writes. Loyalty and honesty are shown at the end when the boys decide to turn in Ray's where abouts anonymously. Courage is shown all through out the film when the boys stand up to the other gang and mean towns people.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Short Story

 The Body is about 4 boys who are all best friends. They go out in the woods one night to look for a boy scout who was missing. The Boys on their journey to look for the lost boy grow closer. In the woods they try to find the boy scout whose name is Ray, they look for him in hope of fame and to gain the reward that comes with the fame. When they once find the body the realize that the it was not about the fortune and fame, and they should have never went to look for him in the first place. After they get back to their normal lives and make sure that the gang does not go and find the body to turn in they send an anonymous call to the sherifs office to tell where the body is that they found.

 The point of view in the story is told by one of the 4 boys, Gordie. Gordie tells the story as an adult looking back on his life telling the story and adventure him and his friends went through. At the beginning of the story he starts out to tell why everything was how it was then. Why he is like he is, and why his parents view him as a nobody because of his brother dying in a car accident. He tells what happend to th boys as they grew apart and where they were and are today. He made it known that their friendship was one that could not be replaced, and one that will always be remembered.

 The main charaacters in the story are the 4 boys. Gordie, who is the one who tells the story who is second best to everyone he feels. He looks up to his brother who passed away, but because he passed away his parents look down on him. Teddy,is a boy with a strong and daring heart. If his mind is set on it he will do it. Vern, has a brother that is in the gang that always harrasss' the 4 boys. Chris is the tough one of the group. He stays strong even with his family backround. His dad is a drunk and his brother is a criminal. The town thinks he will end up to be a nobody just like the rest of his family and he starts to believe what everyone says.

 The setting of the story at the beginning starts off in the boys tree house hang out. The tree house is where the boys go on a rainy day or just a need to "hang out," and get away. The next main place we see the boys is on the tracks. The boys make most of their journey on the train tracks, wheather it was them talking, almost getting hit by the train, or trying to decide where to go next. The next spot that is one of the main areas that the story is set at is in the woods itself. In the woods is where the boys are looking for the body and find the body.

 The theme that Gordie portrays in his story is that things that seem so big can great can mean so much more if you take the road less traveled. If the boys would have turned in the body the theme of the short story would be no where near what it is considering that they left it and turned in the body modestly. The theme basically says that with finding yourself and being with others and getting an understanding of what they go through displays a respect for not only yourself but those that you do not even know. In finding yourself you can understand why people are so modest about their own lifes. At the end of the story the boys fought for the right to turn in where the body was modestly against the gang who harrasses them. By winning that fight the boys rejoiced and with held a friendship that could never be broken.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sonnet 130

In Sonnet 130 the speaker tells the reader that what his mistress look likes. At the beginning in lines 1-12 the reader pictures the speakers mistress as an ugly lady. In lines 13 and 14 the speaker states that no one can be as beautiful or bright as these things that he lists. In the first line he says, "My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun." The speaker is telling the reader that there is not such thing as all these things that you can find in women. Their eyes cannot be as bright as the sun. Their lips also cannot be more red than coral. The speaker is saying a person can still be beautiful if these things do not pertain to a woman.
I agree with the theme of this sonnet. Women and men cannot have eyes or lips of things, except what they truly are. In poems speakers often portray their lover by saying they are more beautiful than an object. Sometimes this makes women and some men think of themselves in a way that they do not look like. Which often makes them not like the way they look. So they try to change it and do not stop until they are satisfied. The reality is though, that men still think women are just as beautiful without having those things. Men just do not always know how to express those feelings towards their lovers.

Sunday, September 26, 2010


O Valencia: -The Decemberists
You belong to the gang
And you say you can't break away
But I'm here with my hands on my heart

Our families can't agree
I'm your brother's sworn enemy
But I'll shout out my love to the stars

So wait for the stone on your window, your window
Wait by the car and we'll go, we'll go

When first we laid eyes
I swore to no compromise
'Til I felt my caress on your skin

Well, how soon we were betrayed
Your sister gave us away
And your father came all unhinged

So wait for the stone on your window, your window
Wait by the car and we'll go, we'll go

Oh Valencia
With your blood still warm on the ground
And I swear to the stars
I'll burn this whole city down

All I heard was a shout
Of your brother calling me out
And you ran like a fool to my side

Well the shot, it hit hard
And your frame went limp in my arms
And an oath of love was your dying cry

So wait for the stone on your window, your window
Wait by the car and we'll, go we'll go

Oh Valencia
With your blood still warm on the ground
And I'll burn this whole city down
With your blood gettin' cold on the ground
And I swear to the stars
I'll burn this whole city down

O Valencia, qualifies as a ballad, because its a song about murder and "paying the price". This song sang by The Decemberists, follows many of the 8 characteristics stated in the book. The refrain is used over and over through out the song and explains what is happening, and why it all happens. In the song, if you listen to the words, it tells a story about a guy who made a decision and had to pay for it, it ends up with a father murdering his daughter. The story is started at the beginning of the song, and leaves the listener with questions unanswered. As the listener hears the middle and the end of the song he gets answers to the questions that left him hanging at the beginning. In the song not much is said about where the song is taking place.  Finally, little description is mentioned about anything in the lyrics. 

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


 Hero's come in all shapes and sizes. Mr. Incredible fights for what he wants. He never seems to give up, even when he is told he is to old or not needed. He is kind and loving towards his family and very protective. In the movie The Incredibles, he listens every night to whats going on even when he is not supposed to be. For him you can't take the hero about of a super hero.
 No matter the challenge that comes her way, my sister always seems to overcome it. When a serious situation came to our family, I turned to her for advice. She was so calm about it and just reassured me that everything would be okay. Even though on the inside she was scared herself, but she wouldn't show me that because she knew what it would do to me. Even though she gets annoyed sometimes she is always there and ready to listen!
 When something is wrong, usually everyone turns to him. He is always there even if he is helping someone else all you have to do is ask. God is a huge hero figure for me. He knows what is going on in our lives and is always aware of the evil around us. Sure He may not talk to us when we need it, but He shows us signs to let us know, whether its through people or something subtle.