Tuesday, August 24, 2010


 Hero's come in all shapes and sizes. Mr. Incredible fights for what he wants. He never seems to give up, even when he is told he is to old or not needed. He is kind and loving towards his family and very protective. In the movie The Incredibles, he listens every night to whats going on even when he is not supposed to be. For him you can't take the hero about of a super hero.
 No matter the challenge that comes her way, my sister always seems to overcome it. When a serious situation came to our family, I turned to her for advice. She was so calm about it and just reassured me that everything would be okay. Even though on the inside she was scared herself, but she wouldn't show me that because she knew what it would do to me. Even though she gets annoyed sometimes she is always there and ready to listen!
 When something is wrong, usually everyone turns to him. He is always there even if he is helping someone else all you have to do is ask. God is a huge hero figure for me. He knows what is going on in our lives and is always aware of the evil around us. Sure He may not talk to us when we need it, but He shows us signs to let us know, whether its through people or something subtle.

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